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Sunday School Classes 

Sunday school gives us a foundation for life. Often times what we are taught in Sunday school helps us to understand what the minister preaches in worship service. Come and Join us every Sunday at 10:45am as we learn more about the Lord and his desires for our lives.
Adult Classes 


Our Adult Sunday School Class spends time with Topic that cause Spiritual Growth. Topics like the Battle Field of the Mind, Spiritual Warfare, Salvation, Witnessing and many other topics. Going to church is not enough we want the believers in Christ to grow in knowledge and in their relationship with the Father. Understanding as we draw nearer to God he will draw nearer to us and as we learn to resist the Enemy he will flee. 

Youth Classes - Elementary, Upper Elementary and Teen Classes


Our Youth Sunday School Classes are focused on challenging our young people to not only know the Bible, they are taught to apply the Bible to their everyday life. As the progress from Elementary-Upper Elementary – Teen Class they will grow in their relationship with Our Lord. Each Sunday Morning before Worship Service each class stands before the church and explains what they learned in Sunday School Class.  

2nd Chance Ministries Christian Worship Center

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